

How to End Hunger and Starvation Instantly

People are starving world-wide, but I do not have to tell you that. People in modern cities as well as third world countries are dying of hunger. Do you sometimes what to jump up and down and say to these people move. Just pick up the family and move to a better neighborhood, country, or anything? How can people living in this new age of computers, technology and fast moving cars and some pretty powerful countries be starving? How can this be allowed today? Haven't we learned from the records of history? I guess, the answer would be, no we have not learned from the past because we have chosen to repeat it. Here is a solution that should end hunger and starvation as we know it today. We will need some brave and courageous souls to bring the message to the general populace.
The drawback and it is a big one, is that many will be afraid to go about what I propose for the simple reason that governments want victims. Some countries pride themselves on having so many victims in their society. Many of the dictatorial societies want their people to be dependent on them and what they ration to them. It is sad, but horribly true. There are countless wars being fought and have been fought over food, water, resources, and what is best for the people. There are men and women who want their people to suffer. There is big money in suffering. If those people are of a different tribe, class or upbringing that can be a reason for the starvation and hunger. Many times, the weather is blamed for this condition. Drought is blamed and the poor climate condition is also looked at as an excuse. My honest proposal does not ask for any great accolades, nor does it seek major recognition. It is a simple request that if followed, will change the world as we know it. Here goes the proposal. All we need to do is select one product to grow. That product must be universal and can be grown in most countries; and pretty much at most temperatures. This is important because It would have to be a product that can be sliced, diced, baked, boiled, fried and cooled at most temperatures. This product must b e able to be transported to most regions of the world. Plighted areas must be able to have this product. This product should be able to be grown in most climates.
Each country of the world must grow this product, however, those in the western world must grow enough of this product. It must be grown in vacant lots, it can be grown in foreclosed on lands and huge city, county, state and federal lands that are just sitting there. It can be grown on empty lots. Those who participate in this high endeavor will be given a handsome reward, tax write off, or some kind of payback for doing so. This one product will be grown in mass and most people will be happy with this food stuff. There will be such an abundance of this one product that it will feed all. Man will have his wake up call. People will no longer have an excuse to starve. The suggested and highly recommended product is soy. I have noticed in my world-wide travels that outside a major city one can see miles and miles, acres and acres of open land. The land is ready for my one product idea.